Projet PharmOneHealth (national, financement ANSES)

PharmOneHealth - Project N° ANSES-22-EST-066

Exposure and adaptation of microbial communities to pharmaceutical substances and microbial agents in aquatic environments: consequences on the development and dissemination of pathogens and genetic structures involved in antibiotic resistance.

In line with the ‘One Health’ concept, the combined occurrence of pharmaceuticals (chemical contaminants) and microbiological contaminants (antibiotic resistance genes - ARGs, antibiotic resistant bacteria - ARBs, and pathogenic microorganisms) in aquatic environments poses risks for the ecological quality of these ecosystems as well as for human and animal health. Although this type of co-occurrence is frequently reported in aquatic ecosystems, the interactions between these chemical and microbiological contaminants remain understudied. The PharmOneHealth project aims to contribute to filling this gap by mobilizing scientists and research teams recognized for their complementary skills in the fields of environmental chemistry, microbial ecology and ecotoxicology, as well as environmental and clinical bacteriology.

A project coordinated by Stéphane PESCE, RiverLy - INRAE